Assekese Vocational Institute – Engow, Central Region
nearest water source to the school is a borehole located at the entry of the
village which is about 1km from the school.
The group was planning to drop a submersible water pump in this borehole
and pump the water to an overhead tank and connect this for the use of the
people in the village including the students.
Just at this time another NGO provided a borehole for the school and the
group took the advantage of this new development and caused a poly-tank of
10,000-litres capacity to be bought and mounted on a stand about 20 feet
tall. The arrival of water on the campus
encouraged the group to lay pipes to vantage points like the kitchen, catering
department, hair dressing department, the toilets and bathrooms to enable
students to have easy access to clean water, and a stand pipe was provided for
general use.
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